Lakshay Mohan Gupta (sitar) and Aayush Mohan Gupta (sarod) | Photo: Varunkohli.vmc, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

What is Hindustani Classical Music?

Exploring the rich history and key characteristics of Hindustani classical music.

Hindustani classical music is a genre of music that has its roots in the Indian subcontinent. It is a complex and sophisticated musical tradition that has evolved over the course of several centuries, drawing influences from a wide range of cultural and religious traditions. In this article, we will explore the history and key characteristics of Hindustani classical music, and examine its ongoing significance and relevance in modern Indian society.

Origins and Development of Hindustani Classical Music

The origins of Hindustani classical music can be traced back to the Vedic period, which began around 1500 BCE. During this time, music was an integral part of religious and spiritual practice, and was believed to have the power to connect the human soul with the divine. As a result, music was highly valued and developed a rich and sophisticated tradition that incorporated both vocal and instrumental forms.

Over time, Hindustani classical music evolved into a distinct genre with its own unique characteristics and techniques. This was due in part to the influence of Islamic and Sufi traditions, which came to India during the Mughal Empire (1526-1857). These traditions brought with them new musical instruments and techniques, such as the sitar and the tabla, which helped to shape the sound and style of Hindustani classical music.

Key Characteristics of Hindustani Classical Music

Hindustani classical music is characterized by its use of raga, a complex system of melodic modes that are used to create highly expressive and nuanced musical compositions. A raga is a set of notes that are organized in a specific way, and each raga is associated with a particular mood or emotion. The musician uses the raga as a framework for improvisation, exploring its various nuances and subtleties to create a unique and dynamic performance each time.

In addition to raga, Hindustani classical music also uses tala, a rhythmic system that is used to organize the beats and tempo of the music. The tala is created by combining different rhythmic patterns, and the musician uses it to create a sense of structure and coherence in the music.

Hindustani classical music is typically performed by a small ensemble of musicians, consisting of a vocalist, one or more instrumentalists, and a percussionist. The musicians work together to create a rich and layered sound, exploring the various elements of the raga and tala to create a dynamic and engaging performance.

Significance and Relevance of Hindustani Classical Music

Hindustani classical music has had a profound impact on Indian culture and society, and continues to be a vital and important part of the country’s cultural heritage. It has been a source of inspiration and spiritual connection for generations of Indians, and has influenced a wide range of other musical genres and styles, both within India and abroad.

In addition to its cultural and spiritual significance, Hindustani classical music also has important social and political implications. It has played a key role in promoting cross-cultural understanding and dialogue, both within India and between India and other countries. It has also been used as a tool for social and political activism, with musicians using their art to raise awareness about issues such as poverty, inequality, and human rights.


Hindustani classical music is a rich and complex musical tradition that has evolved over the course of several centuries. It is characterized by its use of raga and tala, as well as its unique instrumentation and improvisational techniques. Hindustani classical music continues to be a vital and important part of Indian culture and society, and has had a profound impact on music and culture around the world.

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